মোহাম্মদ ফাইজুর রহমান
Bangladesh as a developing country the importance of domestic revenue mobilisation is increasing day by day. The major portion of domestic revenue comes through National Board of Revenue (NBR). Value Added tax (VAT) is one of the most important source for collecting national revenue. VAT is generally collected from local importing or exporting of goods and services. The ad valorem rate is 15% . Like other VAT 11 Commissionerates, Dhaka (South) is also working for collecting VAT. Dhaka (South) is one of the significant VAT commissionerate in respect of earning revenue. We are trying our best to serve the various stakeholders. NBR has been taken Modernization of VAT environment (MOVE) program and developed an informative web portal which helps taxpayer to update their VAT details. We hope that after implementing MOVE, Dhaka (South) will be able to fulfill the taxpayers satisfaction as well as NBR`s expectations by using ICT.
ঠিকানা: ১৬০/এ, আইডিবি ভবন, ৪র্থ ও ৫ম তলা, কাকরাইল, ঢাকা
টেলিফোন: 02-48315459
ফ্যাক্স: 02-8315459
ইমেইল: cevdhksouth@yahoo.com